Thursday, June 15, 2006

Restoring sim lock for C600

Re: Locking back the phone


Originally Posted by mstanescu


You wrote this in a posting

"Sim Lock -you may look 0x1C80: 0000000000000000 if all
0000000000000000 that blocking sim no . But this facility does not
allow to change this area -if you know programming -you may change the
program -a principles alike -otherwise use SPV Services for removing
Sim Lock."

I have a c600 phone sim locked. I would like to load i-mate but i would
like to be able to restore CID and sim lock after this in case i want
to sell it or in case of mallfunction. Do you think that if i save
sector 0 and then restore would my phone be locked again?



Save old Sim and CID this is identified the area CID.

pdocread -n 1 0x000000 0x10000 -b 0x4000 old_cid.nb

You simply save the area CID - in this area SIM lock and CID lock.

If you want to return back you it is enough will write back file by command

pdocwrite -n 1 old_cid.nb 0x000000 0x10000 -b 0x4000

Sunday, April 30, 2006

EOS documentation project

Linkuri camere pe film

Informatii camere pe film, baza de date

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Numere telefon gentiana

la Gentiana il avea de la ora 19 la ora 21 Sau cabanierul de la Gentiana, Csabi(nu stiu sigur daca e tura lui) 0721052920. Cu ocazia asta poti sa vezi si de locuri la Pietrele sau Gentiana.
Celalalt cabanier la Gentiana este unom tare de treaba: Deak Ludovic
tel. 0721-298 509. Are tel deschis intre 12-14 si 19-21. Probabil si
Bartok Csaba la fel.

transport de la ohaba

>   2. Exista vreo masina/microbuz/rechin care sa mearga in perioada asta din Curtea de Arges pana la cabana Capra sau macar Piscul Negru? Daca aveti si un numar de telefon ar fi perfect.

  eu stiu 3 nr de telefon din Ohaba
  Dl Moraru 0744 906299
  Dl Sava 0722 949985
  Dl Victor 0722 667511
  Sper sa fie inca valabile, dupa cate stiu e 300 mii transportul, noi eram doar 2 si am platit aveti o iesire minunata si vreme frumoasa

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

transport Retezat si Fagaras

> 1. Cunoaste cineva un numar de telefon pentru transport din Subcetate sau din Ohaba de sub
> Piatra pana la Carnic? Eventual si pretul.

Acum vreo 3 ani noi am mers cu dl. Bebe Murar (0744906299) din Ohaba pana la Carnic (am dat vreo 50.000 lei/pers si am fost 16).

Victor Crudoane - 0722667511 tot pentru Ohaba - Carnic.

0722-667511 Victor (cel cu buticul de langa halta Ohaba de subPiatra)

Dl.Moraru tel 0744- 906299 (info de la Alex Doaga din revista Knox).

Rechini gasesti tot timpul langa Biserica Domneasca, asteapta turisti.
0723.724.920 e un numar orientativ, nu lua de "recomandare", ci zic doar
pentru ca ai intrebat...

Friday, March 10, 2006

Fwd: "Windows cannot display Windows Firewall settings" error while accessing Firewall settings in Windows XP Service Pack 2

  1. When you open Services.msc applet, the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service may not be available in the listing
  2. Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service is available in Services listing, but you are unable to start the service
  3. You receive the following error message while accessing the firewall settings (firewall.cpl)
Due to an unidentified problem, Windows cannot display Windows Firewall settings.


This happens due to missing or corrupt SharedAccess reg key, which represents the Windows Firewall Service.


Download {sharedaccess.reg} (only for systems running Windows XP Service Pack 2) and save to Desktop. Then double-click the file to merge the contents to the registry. The Services entry will be created. Restart Windows (mandatory step, otherwise the following NETSH command will display an error message).

After restarting Windows, run this from Command Prompt (cmd.exe)


Launch firewall applet from Control Panel, and then configure your Windows Firewall settings.

If nothing helps, as a last-resort solution (before reinstalling Windows XP Service Pack 2), give these two commands a try. Click Start, Run and type:

rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection Ndi-Steelhead 132 %windir%\inf\netrass.inf

Restart Windows, and then run this command (from Command Prompt):


Attempt to start Firewall applet. Start the Windows Firewall service if prompted.

save this to a .reg file and run

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"Description"="Provides network address translation, addressing, name resolution and/or intrusion prevention services for a home or small office network."
"DisplayName"="Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)"













Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Klingon programmers

The top 12 things likely to be overheard if you had Klingon programmers working for you:

12. Specifications are for the weak and timid!

11. This machine is a piece of GAGH! I need dual Pentium processors if I am to do battle with this code.

10. You cannot really appreciate Dilbert unless you've read it in the original Klingon.

9. Indentation?! I will show you how to indent when I indent your skull!

8. What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software 'releases'. Our software escapes, leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its wake!

7. Klingon function calls do not have "parameters" - they have "arguments" - and they ALWAYS WIN THEM.

6. Debugging? Klingons do not debug. Our software does not coddle the weak.

5. I have challenged the entire Quality Assurance team to a Bat-Leh contest! They will not concern us again.

4. A TRUE Klingon warrior does not comment his code.

3. By filing this bug report you have challenged the honor of my family. Prepare to die!

2. You question the worthiness of my code? I should kill you where you stand!

1. Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Excursie Baiului februarie 2006

Ruta planificata si care s-a si respectat pana la urma:
Busteni - Culmea zamorei - vf baiutul - coborare pe partia sorica - azuga

2am & company adica Adrian

Pregatire fizica necesara
Satisfacatoare. A nu se subestima efortul. Durata a fost 5 ore pentru a atinge varful Baiutul.

Avand in vedere ca marcajul (cruce rosie) este mai mult decat precar e recomandata o harta, busola si eventual o descriere a traseului.

Pentru orientare am folosit descrierea excelenta a traseului nr 10 (parca) din muntii nostrii.

1. Busteni - Iesirea in culmea zamorei

Am urmat exact descrierea traseului si nu am avut probleme. Se merge in mare parte pe drum forestier. Drumul are o traiectorie mai ciudata la inceput urmand o traiectorie spre sud aprox 1-2 km (da! se trece pe langa groapa de gunoi Busteni. Din totdeauna m-am intrebat unde isi duce Busteniul gunoiul. Ce mica e lumea!) dupa care o ia spre est (la un moment dat chiar pieptis) pe versantul drept al culmii. Intr-un final dupa multa behaiala se iese in golul alpin in zona cantonului Zamora (ce a mai ramas din el).

La iesirea in gol vreme frumoasa, soare stralucitor, urme de skiuri serpuind printre copaci.

2. Culmea Zamora - Vf Baiutul

Drumul se continua spre stana de pe Zamora dar am preferat sa iesim in creasta pentru un quick look pe ambele parti ale Zamorei si spre abruptul Bucegilor.

Spre nord se vad skiorii de la telescaunul de la Sorica. Spre est creasta baiului.

Probleme de orientare nu au fost :) .Am urmat linia culmii spre vf baiutul in planul indepartat.

Vremea a inceput sa se schimbe, la inceput innorari temporare insotite de rafale de vant ca pe urma sa urmeze ...viscolul. Rafale puternice de vant insotite de zapada inghetata izbindu-ne in fatza. O placere ce sa mai.

Achizitionarea unor cagule a devenit brusc ceva iminent.

Iesirea in creasta, vf Baiutul si "virajul spre nord".

Privire spre SE de pe vf Baiutu.

3. Vf Baiutul - Azuga

De pe Baiutul cam cotit-o spre nord urmand linia crestei sa iesim la telescaunul Azuga.

Pe la jumatatea drumului spre telescaun, vremea ne mai pregatea o surpriza. Ceata!

Ceata + zapada = Orientare 0

Aspect care nu a fost subestimat si salvarea a venit din partea busolei + harta. Dupa ceva orbecaiala, presupuneri bune sigresite am iesit la liman. Pana la urma s-am dovedit a fi un bun exercitiu de orientare (nu cine stie ce totusi).

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Resurse .net compact framework

How to build a chat application

.net compact framework resource website

Stiati ca in Elvetia...

Exista 1784 telecabine, 124 telegondole, 314 telescaune si 1072 teleschiuri.